Academic Communication and Publishing

Add-On Course by CMS College, Kottayam & other Collaborators

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Title: Academic Communication and Publishing

About the course: The course is designed to equip the participants with skills to trace information from libraries and the web, write dissertations and research papers without grammatical errors, acquire the basic concepts of academic communication and academic publishing trends, learn about citation styles manuals, open online courses, intellectual property rights (IPR) related protection systems, and data analysis and interpretation.

Relevance: Research in education is of considerable importance. A major task of scientific and historical study is to provide in-depth information about a topic; apart from that, it will also advance scientific knowledge. The publications serve as the instructional and learning tools for prospective learners. By learning more about academic communication and publishing, participants can comprehend how important scientific research is to society and appreciate the significance of research in education.

Duration: 36 hours- Two Credits

Mode: Online

Expected outcomes:

  • Develop writing skills and confidence writing for journals and learn the best practices for submitting a paper and peer review.
  • Understand the editorial processes
  • Learn about copyright Law in the digital age and plagiarism
  • Identify collaboration tools, research indicators, and scholar networks
  • Get an overview of statistical tools used for research data analysis

Who can join? -

Faculty, research scholars, and students of CMS College, Kottayam and St. Stephen’s College Uzhavoor. Hosted in association with Lore and Ed Research Associates Private Limited.

Thanking you

Principal ,CMS College, Kottayam

Principal, St. Stephen’s College, Uzhavoor


Raysh Thomas

Jasimudeen S

Jinto Michael (Lore and Ed Research Associates Private Limited)

Your Instructor

Raysh Thomas & Team
Raysh Thomas & Team

Raysh Thomas (CMS College, Kottayam)

Jasimudeen S (St Stephen's College, Uzhavoor)

Jinto Micahel ( Lore and Ed Research Associates)

Bindu Cherian (St Stephen's College,Uzhavoor)

Reshmi Paul

This course is closed for enrollment.